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[a:rpia:r] - Romania


Friday May 13th, 2022

at Fifty Eight


Fifity EIght's summer agenda continues with Praslesh.


Raresh is for good and all one of the fundamental and top figures of the actual electronic scene worldwide. Originally from Romania, he is one of the masterminds behind Arpiar label - alongside Rhadoo & Pedro. Countless bookings at the worlds most important dancefloors like fabric London, Space Miami, Amnesia Ibiza, Sunwaves Romania and countless b2b’s with Ricardo Villalobos has made him established his place in the top of the clubbing hierarchy, becoming one of the most loved and appreciated Romanian djs and global djs. 

Alongside his mate Praslea, he launched in 2012 a successful duo called “Praslesh”, gracing the decks at the most prestigious clubs worldwide from: Fabric London, Amnesia Ibiza, Warung Brazil to Sunwaves Romania

Opening set by: MADIAN

With a desire to create boundless music combining funky alien grooves & happy futuristic feels, Madcimiliano and Ian Cahill ultimately objectified their goal by bringing into existence Madian. Combining their musical styles; backgrounds with their passion and friendship, both artists have manifested their development to a full grown project and are now a dynamic duo inside the studio and on the dancefloor.


#FEsummerAgenda #FiftyEight #Raresh #Musikone 

tickets -


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